Entertain your kids – safely

Come and Play!

Posted 12 years ago by admin

Welcome to PlayCorner TV, the best destination for safe and educational video browsing on your iPhone or iPad!

Mobile technology promises to revolutionize the way we think about education, particularly early education. Suddenly trips to the supermarket or an older child’s baseball game become opportunities for your toddler to walk with dinosaurs or practice phonics in a fun, interactive way.

But as we all know, YouTube was not necessarily built around what is and is not appropriate for our precious little ones. That’s where we come in. PlayCorner TV was designed and built by parents, for parents. Our mission is simple: to make video consumption safer and more educational for our tiny children.

PlayCorner TV aggregates and organizes digital content for your toddler or preschooler, so you can feel safe handing over the iPhone or iPad to your little munchkin while you attend to groceries, cheer your heart out from the sideline of another child’s game, or attend to just about anything else. The content is educational and fun, meaning your child will be able to explore the vast amounts of information available on the internet in a safe and reliable digital setting. The benefits are endless: your toddler gains computer literacy while exploring his or her personal interests on a platform designed specifically for him or her.

We are proud to announce that our app is now available for your iPhone and iPad. Head over to the App Store and try it out today!

PlayCorner TV is always open to feedback, so feel free to reach out to us at support@playcornertv.com, and check back with us regularly. We will be posting video reviews, early education news, and other uses for technology in early childhood education! You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay up-to-date.

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